(Reference Standard - BSEN-50288-7, IEC 60502-1, IS-694, IEC-60331, IEC-60332)
Fire resistant cables are used for fire alarm and smoke detection systems, emergency lighting & evacuation systems. Pilot Cables are used for power distribution & transmission systems.
Operating temperature:  70°C & 90°C (depends upon selection of insulation compound).
Product Range: For Multicore 0.5 sq.mm. to 50 sq.mm. & up to 300 sq.mm. for single core
Voltage grade:  600/ 1000 V/ 1100V.
Conductor:  Annealed bare Copper / tinned Copper, solid or stranded Copper conductor (IEC -60228, IS-8130 Class 1, 2).
Insulation :  PVC/ PE/ XLPE.
Armouring:  Galvanized round and Flat strip conforming to IS/BS standard.
Sheathing:  PVC/ FR/ FRLS/ FROR/ FRRT/ LSF Inner & Outer sheath.